For many people, losing their hair, eyebrows and eyelashes during cancer treatment is one of the most emotionally taxing parts of the process. If your eyelashes and eyebrows have fallen out, you may feel that your face has lost some of its depth. As hard as this might feel, the loss will probably only be temporary, and it will last the duration of the treatment. Take heart that when the hairs do start to grow back, they only need to grow back by an inch to make a huge difference to the shape and definition of your face.

While you are waiting for the regrow to start, there are many solutions you can try to regain your glow.


Your eyebrows determine the expression and intensity of your gaze, and while waiting for them to grow back, it is possible to recreate them artificially.

Choose a semi-greasy eyebrow pencil, in the colour closest to your hair or hair prosthesis. Use small touches, imitating the direction of hair growth, to avoid a line that is too sharp, which could harden the eyes.

To help you achieve a natural outline of your brow line, use a photo of yourself from before your treatment for inspiration. There are colouring stencils you can use to guide you, or even consider dermo-pigmentation. To discover the different options available, seek advice from a socio-esthetician and of course, always check with your oncologist.

How to re-do your eyebrows during cancer treatment?

before drawing your eyebrows, mark the three main dots that will help you guide the eyebrow in the internal eye angle, on the external angle.


PRO TIP: If your eye allows, you can gently shade around one third of the lower and upper eyelid on the outer corner near the lash line to enlarge the eye with charcoal, plum, dark brown, khaki or bronze eyeshadow .
On weakened eyes and slightly dull eyelids, it is best to avoid too much colour. It may mark the dehydration streaks and weigh down your eye.
Some patients suffer from redness following the treatment, whatever it is, it is hyperactivity, sensitivity or even an allergy to the treatment first soothe the skin by rereading thermal water the misting should be done at 20 cm approximately of the face.  The skin must be a thousand but not wet to enjoy the benefits of water moisturize the skin with toleriane ultra cream gently by patting with the palms of the hands apply the complexion corrector Toleriane fluid choose the right table first apply the product on the oval of the face apply the corrector on the redness and she had to immerse me in moistening with thermal water from La Roche-Posay make small circular movements with light tapping to obtain a homogeneous correction without heating the skin, then starting in a star pattern to leave the area of redness and blend with the rest of the face. Apply mineral powder over it to set and participate.

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